Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tiramisu and other things...

Yesterday I made tiramisu!! I've always wanted to but I was scared. I even made the ladyfinger cookies for it. I would have preferred to buy them but I had been to three grocery stores and none of them carried them. If anything that was the frustrating part because it was unexpected. Anyway, I'm VERY proud of myself. I wouldn't say I nailed it but I came pretty close for my first try. It had been so long since I had tiramisu that I had to stop by a local Italian restaurant and buy a serving of their's so that I could compare the two. The things I decided needed improving next time are simple-only one layer of cookies(I like having lots of the creaminess!), cocoa on the bottom as well as the top w/ maybe a little sugar mixed in, and I need to add Kahlua flavoring to it for the extra punch. I might also be able to make it cheaper if I use cream cheese instead of marscapone. I'd rather pay $2 for a pond of cream cheese vs. $15 for a pound of marscapone!! I might also be able to substitute vanilla wafers or Pepperidge Farm Savoy cookies for the Ladyfingers. Vanilla wafers would probably be cutting too many corners but it might worth a shot. Yey!! I actually made tiramisu! Did I mention that I am proud of myself??

Now for a change of subject.....I have begun to write a devotional that I will teach one night soon. I believe that God has laid something on my heart but I am having trouble really knowing what to say or how to say it. I know what it is in my head but to convey that to someone is throwing me for a loop. Here are a few of my goals in writing this thing: First and foremost I share what God has laid on my heart for these ladies, that I can relay it in such a way that they can understand me, that it makes an impact on them and shows them something new or something old in a new light, that I don't get in the way (pride, fear, inability to communicate), I don't want it to be super short, I want it to have some meat to it ( a story, several scripture references, and maybe some Greek or Hebrew, maybe a gift to help them remember). These aren't just goals these are prayer requests so if you would please pray for me in these areas!!!

I know this has been a totally random blog. Maybe next time I'll be able to tell you about a craft I've finished and actually have some pictures to show you. I have a few craft ideas in my head. I want to make a couple of very small, magnetic picture frames to help decorate my desk area at work. I saw some already made a Michael's for a dollar but it would be quite a drive for me to go back there so I'm going to make them myself. I'm excited!! I'm also planning on attending a Holiday Card Showcase at a local scrapbooking store because I want to make a Christmas card to give every woman at our Girl's retreat that is coming up soon. At the showcase they show you how to make all these really great cards and then give you pictures of them and a shopping list for each one so you could easily shop. I'm going to pick one card and make those for everyone at the retreat. I'm excited about that, too. I'll keep you posted on my creative endeavors. Ha!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Things that make me happy!

Get ready for a really long, rambling list. I beg of you to enjoy my quirkiness!

The small things that bring me that bubbly joy in life are: socks, pets that cuddle, movies, cozy blankets, cool pens, retractable sharpies, booklights, standing on the beach and listening to the waves, the smell of the ocean, the smell of wisteria, text messages, laughing at MaryBeth's, babies, using the last post-it note on a pad, making lists, marking stuff off of lists, finishing a scrapbook page, school supplies, orange juice with ice, the smell of a freshly struck match, funny t-shirts, changing the months on a calendar, plane rides and anything to do with them, drinking ginger ale on a plane, vacations, miniature of anything, Smart cars, having my hair played with, making food that everyone likes, recipes, rainy days w/ hot cocoa involved, Christmas lights, singing to myself when no one is around, watching movies in the wee small hours of the morning, watching ducks swim underwater, burnt marshmallows, remembering my dreams in the morning, getting hopelessly lost in a good book, doing things with the Current group, hanging out at home school mom dinners for the food, singing in the car with my younger siblings, walking in the grass barefoot, all that time I spent in my car during breaks in college (its like having a world of your own), watching rain fall on a car windshield and not turning on the wipers, going around curves in the road, staring at the stars in the sky, those moments when you just know God did something just for you, watching British comedies with my mom, old books, making my lunch, talk radio, gigantic bowls of cereal!.........

I know this list goes on and on and probably hurts your brain to look but I did list "list writing" as a favorite of mine!!! Have a great day and make your own list of things you love.