For the last couple of months I have been overwhelmed by the lyrics of this song. It brings everything Jesus did for me on the cross into focus.
I think that I often look only at the panoramic picture of Jesus dying on the cross for the sins of the WHOLE world. I know I get so caught up in that big picture that I forget about my self-portrait.....He died for MY sins. He took MY place!
If I can look first at my personal redemption and then look at those around me for whom He also died I believe I would be able to comprehend more fully the salvation He has afforded me.
What He has accomplished for me can't be put into words but this song comes close. Listen and enjoy!
"In Him we have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His blood, the remission (forgiveness) of our offenses (shortcomings and trespasses), in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favor". -Ephesians 1:7 (Amplified)
"Therefore He is able also to save to the uttermost (completely, perfectly, finally, and for all time and eternity) those who come to God through Him, since He is always living to make petition to God and intercede with Him and intervene for them".
-Hebrews 7:25 ( Amplified)
"But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were [so] far away, through (by, in) the blood of Christ have been brought near". -Ephesians 2:13 (Amplified)
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". -John 3:16
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I'll Miss You, Couch.
My Dad called me the other night as he often does on his way home from work. Our conversation consisted of its normal banter until he dropped a bomb on me.......he's getting rid on his living room suite or to be more specific, his couch.I know, I know. What importance could this piece of everyday furniture hold? Its just a couch, right???
Well, its not just a couch to me. It has been around almost as long as I've been alive and no memory of my dad's place exists without it in it. When my father was young he used to go to "raw" furniture stores and buy pieces to take home and refinish. He refinished a coffee table, 2 end tables, and an entertainment center cupboard and bought the couch and love seat to match. I have memories of sleeping on the couch, curling up and reading a book in its corner, covering up with a wool blanket that I'm sure is as old as the piece of furniture itself, opening Christmas gifts, and the list goes on. My step-sister, Cortney, and I used to take turns running down the hallway and jumping over the back of the couch to see who could jump the highest. During our races someone always kept an eye out to warn the other one if one of our parents came home.

For may years being at my Dad's was stressful. Most of the time there during the summers was spent second guessing myself and walking on eggshells but there was that period of time during the day while my dad and step-mother were at work that I was able to relax. A lot of that time was spent outdoors at the pool or riding bikes through the neighborhood but the time inside was usually spent on that couch keeping comfy. There are tv shows today that always remind me of those summers like 90210, TRL, the TV guide channel, and Boy Meets World. I would sprawl out on the brown, broken in, velvety surface with the remote in my hand and surf while it was safe.
When my dad moved into a new house several years ago it was one of the few things that I still recognized amongst the new furniture and decorations. At first when I walked in I thought it was all gone. In its place was a brand new, beautiful couch and chair. But then I found it tucked away in a small, closed off room out of plain sight and I knew that I was at Dad's.
I know it seems silly but I have become attached to it. Dad telling me of his plans to replace it with a leather couch made my heart sink. It was as if he was giving me proof that a chapter of my life has closed. That I really am a grown up and there is no going back. I know that if I were him I would want new furniture. After all, he has had it for 23 years but I will miss it. I would never want it for my house. Its not my style. It belongs at Dad's and it makes me heart sick that this furniture that he put so much work into and that I have created so many memories around will no longer be around. I guess I have grown up....I'll miss you, couch.
Well, its not just a couch to me. It has been around almost as long as I've been alive and no memory of my dad's place exists without it in it. When my father was young he used to go to "raw" furniture stores and buy pieces to take home and refinish. He refinished a coffee table, 2 end tables, and an entertainment center cupboard and bought the couch and love seat to match. I have memories of sleeping on the couch, curling up and reading a book in its corner, covering up with a wool blanket that I'm sure is as old as the piece of furniture itself, opening Christmas gifts, and the list goes on. My step-sister, Cortney, and I used to take turns running down the hallway and jumping over the back of the couch to see who could jump the highest. During our races someone always kept an eye out to warn the other one if one of our parents came home.

For may years being at my Dad's was stressful. Most of the time there during the summers was spent second guessing myself and walking on eggshells but there was that period of time during the day while my dad and step-mother were at work that I was able to relax. A lot of that time was spent outdoors at the pool or riding bikes through the neighborhood but the time inside was usually spent on that couch keeping comfy. There are tv shows today that always remind me of those summers like 90210, TRL, the TV guide channel, and Boy Meets World. I would sprawl out on the brown, broken in, velvety surface with the remote in my hand and surf while it was safe.
When my dad moved into a new house several years ago it was one of the few things that I still recognized amongst the new furniture and decorations. At first when I walked in I thought it was all gone. In its place was a brand new, beautiful couch and chair. But then I found it tucked away in a small, closed off room out of plain sight and I knew that I was at Dad's.
I know it seems silly but I have become attached to it. Dad telling me of his plans to replace it with a leather couch made my heart sink. It was as if he was giving me proof that a chapter of my life has closed. That I really am a grown up and there is no going back. I know that if I were him I would want new furniture. After all, he has had it for 23 years but I will miss it. I would never want it for my house. Its not my style. It belongs at Dad's and it makes me heart sick that this furniture that he put so much work into and that I have created so many memories around will no longer be around. I guess I have grown up....I'll miss you, couch.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tiramisu and other things...
Yesterday I made tiramisu!! I've always wanted to but I was scared. I even made the ladyfinger cookies for it. I would have preferred to buy them but I had been to three grocery stores and none of them carried them. If anything that was the frustrating part because it was unexpected. Anyway, I'm VERY proud of myself. I wouldn't say I nailed it but I came pretty close for my first try. It had been so long since I had tiramisu that I had to stop by a local Italian restaurant and buy a serving of their's so that I could compare the two. The things I decided needed improving next time are simple-only one layer of cookies(I like having lots of the creaminess!), cocoa on the bottom as well as the top w/ maybe a little sugar mixed in, and I need to add Kahlua flavoring to it for the extra punch. I might also be able to make it cheaper if I use cream cheese instead of marscapone. I'd rather pay $2 for a pond of cream cheese vs. $15 for a pound of marscapone!! I might also be able to substitute vanilla wafers or Pepperidge Farm Savoy cookies for the Ladyfingers. Vanilla wafers would probably be cutting too many corners but it might worth a shot. Yey!! I actually made tiramisu! Did I mention that I am proud of myself??
Now for a change of subject.....I have begun to write a devotional that I will teach one night soon. I believe that God has laid something on my heart but I am having trouble really knowing what to say or how to say it. I know what it is in my head but to convey that to someone is throwing me for a loop. Here are a few of my goals in writing this thing: First and foremost I share what God has laid on my heart for these ladies, that I can relay it in such a way that they can understand me, that it makes an impact on them and shows them something new or something old in a new light, that I don't get in the way (pride, fear, inability to communicate), I don't want it to be super short, I want it to have some meat to it ( a story, several scripture references, and maybe some Greek or Hebrew, maybe a gift to help them remember). These aren't just goals these are prayer requests so if you would please pray for me in these areas!!!
I know this has been a totally random blog. Maybe next time I'll be able to tell you about a craft I've finished and actually have some pictures to show you. I have a few craft ideas in my head. I want to make a couple of very small, magnetic picture frames to help decorate my desk area at work. I saw some already made a Michael's for a dollar but it would be quite a drive for me to go back there so I'm going to make them myself. I'm excited!! I'm also planning on attending a Holiday Card Showcase at a local scrapbooking store because I want to make a Christmas card to give every woman at our Girl's retreat that is coming up soon. At the showcase they show you how to make all these really great cards and then give you pictures of them and a shopping list for each one so you could easily shop. I'm going to pick one card and make those for everyone at the retreat. I'm excited about that, too. I'll keep you posted on my creative endeavors. Ha!
Now for a change of subject.....I have begun to write a devotional that I will teach one night soon. I believe that God has laid something on my heart but I am having trouble really knowing what to say or how to say it. I know what it is in my head but to convey that to someone is throwing me for a loop. Here are a few of my goals in writing this thing: First and foremost I share what God has laid on my heart for these ladies, that I can relay it in such a way that they can understand me, that it makes an impact on them and shows them something new or something old in a new light, that I don't get in the way (pride, fear, inability to communicate), I don't want it to be super short, I want it to have some meat to it ( a story, several scripture references, and maybe some Greek or Hebrew, maybe a gift to help them remember). These aren't just goals these are prayer requests so if you would please pray for me in these areas!!!
I know this has been a totally random blog. Maybe next time I'll be able to tell you about a craft I've finished and actually have some pictures to show you. I have a few craft ideas in my head. I want to make a couple of very small, magnetic picture frames to help decorate my desk area at work. I saw some already made a Michael's for a dollar but it would be quite a drive for me to go back there so I'm going to make them myself. I'm excited!! I'm also planning on attending a Holiday Card Showcase at a local scrapbooking store because I want to make a Christmas card to give every woman at our Girl's retreat that is coming up soon. At the showcase they show you how to make all these really great cards and then give you pictures of them and a shopping list for each one so you could easily shop. I'm going to pick one card and make those for everyone at the retreat. I'm excited about that, too. I'll keep you posted on my creative endeavors. Ha!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Things that make me happy!
Get ready for a really long, rambling list. I beg of you to enjoy my quirkiness!
The small things that bring me that bubbly joy in life are: socks, pets that cuddle, movies, cozy blankets, cool pens, retractable sharpies, booklights, standing on the beach and listening to the waves, the smell of the ocean, the smell of wisteria, text messages, laughing at MaryBeth's, babies, using the last post-it note on a pad, making lists, marking stuff off of lists, finishing a scrapbook page, school supplies, orange juice with ice, the smell of a freshly struck match, funny t-shirts, changing the months on a calendar, plane rides and anything to do with them, drinking ginger ale on a plane, vacations, miniature of anything, Smart cars, having my hair played with, making food that everyone likes, recipes, rainy days w/ hot cocoa involved, Christmas lights, singing to myself when no one is around, watching movies in the wee small hours of the morning, watching ducks swim underwater, burnt marshmallows, remembering my dreams in the morning, getting hopelessly lost in a good book, doing things with the Current group, hanging out at home school mom dinners for the food, singing in the car with my younger siblings, walking in the grass barefoot, all that time I spent in my car during breaks in college (its like having a world of your own), watching rain fall on a car windshield and not turning on the wipers, going around curves in the road, staring at the stars in the sky, those moments when you just know God did something just for you, watching British comedies with my mom, old books, making my lunch, talk radio, gigantic bowls of cereal!.........
I know this list goes on and on and probably hurts your brain to look but I did list "list writing" as a favorite of mine!!! Have a great day and make your own list of things you love.
The small things that bring me that bubbly joy in life are: socks, pets that cuddle, movies, cozy blankets, cool pens, retractable sharpies, booklights, standing on the beach and listening to the waves, the smell of the ocean, the smell of wisteria, text messages, laughing at MaryBeth's, babies, using the last post-it note on a pad, making lists, marking stuff off of lists, finishing a scrapbook page, school supplies, orange juice with ice, the smell of a freshly struck match, funny t-shirts, changing the months on a calendar, plane rides and anything to do with them, drinking ginger ale on a plane, vacations, miniature of anything, Smart cars, having my hair played with, making food that everyone likes, recipes, rainy days w/ hot cocoa involved, Christmas lights, singing to myself when no one is around, watching movies in the wee small hours of the morning, watching ducks swim underwater, burnt marshmallows, remembering my dreams in the morning, getting hopelessly lost in a good book, doing things with the Current group, hanging out at home school mom dinners for the food, singing in the car with my younger siblings, walking in the grass barefoot, all that time I spent in my car during breaks in college (its like having a world of your own), watching rain fall on a car windshield and not turning on the wipers, going around curves in the road, staring at the stars in the sky, those moments when you just know God did something just for you, watching British comedies with my mom, old books, making my lunch, talk radio, gigantic bowls of cereal!.........
I know this list goes on and on and probably hurts your brain to look but I did list "list writing" as a favorite of mine!!! Have a great day and make your own list of things you love.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Catch Up
HI Everyone,
Its been way too long since I last updated this thing. Its hard to figure out what to write about when my life is just so normal. I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear about me washing clothes anymore than I want to relive it through my writing.
I've also realized that I take far too few pictures! When I do think of something to write I don't have any pictures to help me tell the story. Aarrgh!!! I know this thing is a work in progress.
Here are a few tidbits of things that have gone on in my life since we last talked and a couple of things to come.....
1. I was summoned to jury duty! I don't have to serve on a jury though. Unlike my friends who were called on the same day I was summoned by the wrong county. I don't reside there so I don't qualify. Funny thing is is that I actually wanted to serve. However, what little I did have to do was very interesting and informative. Hopefully I will be called again someday and be able to participate.
2. I love my job!!! I've been back there for about a month now after a two year hiatus. I'm trying to figure out ways to be of more help in the office. Like any job, multi-tasking is key and I'm learning how to refocus my skills. My old job was in a kitchen and multi-tasking was a different bear but I do feel like I'm beginning to move more smoothly in this position now. I'm surprised at how well I'm doing on the phone. Normally I'm terrified of talking to people I don't know. I would like say my co-workers are some of the best people I know and a delight to work with. It just goes to prove that the personalities you work with make or break the job.
I will be purchasing things for my desk soon!!! I'm SOOO excited!!
3. In the last few days I've taken up scrapbooking again. This is also very exciting!! For painful reasons I've avoided it for the past year. I began to work on a scrapbook in the fall of last year as a gift to my Aunt. A gift because it was to be filled with pictures of my cousin, Riki, who died in a car wreck in October of 2007. In the beginning pictures were something I needed to look at and then it became much too painful. I've now decided that I will inch myself back into the process.
I completed my first page two nights ago. Its title was "Going Bananas". The pictures were of my younger brother and sister as 1 and 2 year olds sharing a banana in the living room floor. Very, very sweet! I have been wanting to make a page with these pictures for a long time but never felt like I had the perfect accents for the page. Well, I finally found some really cute stickers of monkeys and bananas at the scrapbook store a few days ago and went to town. The page turned out very simple but its cute. I might add to it later but it will work for now. I've got to get the creative waters stirring before I can do the pretty pages again. I'm already forming my next page in my mind! Eventually I will get back to my Aunt's gift but I want to enjoy scrapbooking again before I delve into the hard stuff.
4. My family and I will be going to my grandparent's lake house this weekend!! We will say goodbye to the summer in fashion. Our time will be filled with riding in the boat, swimming, visiting with my 21 year-old brother, eating Mamaw's yummy food, and being lazy!! We've looked forward to this for a while now. This weekend will be so nice!!
NOTE: Please pray we find the hamster before this weekend comes. Cuddles, otherwise known as The Houdini Hamster, has been missing for a few days now. He is your classic escape artist and has found many ways to free himself from his cage and ball. This is not good for a family with several cats or a little sister who wants her pet back!!
I will leave you with a photo of some pretty flowers. I took the picture about a month ago in someone's back yard. Enjoy!!!
Have a great day!!
Its been way too long since I last updated this thing. Its hard to figure out what to write about when my life is just so normal. I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear about me washing clothes anymore than I want to relive it through my writing.
I've also realized that I take far too few pictures! When I do think of something to write I don't have any pictures to help me tell the story. Aarrgh!!! I know this thing is a work in progress.
Here are a few tidbits of things that have gone on in my life since we last talked and a couple of things to come.....
1. I was summoned to jury duty! I don't have to serve on a jury though. Unlike my friends who were called on the same day I was summoned by the wrong county. I don't reside there so I don't qualify. Funny thing is is that I actually wanted to serve. However, what little I did have to do was very interesting and informative. Hopefully I will be called again someday and be able to participate.
2. I love my job!!! I've been back there for about a month now after a two year hiatus. I'm trying to figure out ways to be of more help in the office. Like any job, multi-tasking is key and I'm learning how to refocus my skills. My old job was in a kitchen and multi-tasking was a different bear but I do feel like I'm beginning to move more smoothly in this position now. I'm surprised at how well I'm doing on the phone. Normally I'm terrified of talking to people I don't know. I would like say my co-workers are some of the best people I know and a delight to work with. It just goes to prove that the personalities you work with make or break the job.
I will be purchasing things for my desk soon!!! I'm SOOO excited!!
3. In the last few days I've taken up scrapbooking again. This is also very exciting!! For painful reasons I've avoided it for the past year. I began to work on a scrapbook in the fall of last year as a gift to my Aunt. A gift because it was to be filled with pictures of my cousin, Riki, who died in a car wreck in October of 2007. In the beginning pictures were something I needed to look at and then it became much too painful. I've now decided that I will inch myself back into the process.
I completed my first page two nights ago. Its title was "Going Bananas". The pictures were of my younger brother and sister as 1 and 2 year olds sharing a banana in the living room floor. Very, very sweet! I have been wanting to make a page with these pictures for a long time but never felt like I had the perfect accents for the page. Well, I finally found some really cute stickers of monkeys and bananas at the scrapbook store a few days ago and went to town. The page turned out very simple but its cute. I might add to it later but it will work for now. I've got to get the creative waters stirring before I can do the pretty pages again. I'm already forming my next page in my mind! Eventually I will get back to my Aunt's gift but I want to enjoy scrapbooking again before I delve into the hard stuff.
4. My family and I will be going to my grandparent's lake house this weekend!! We will say goodbye to the summer in fashion. Our time will be filled with riding in the boat, swimming, visiting with my 21 year-old brother, eating Mamaw's yummy food, and being lazy!! We've looked forward to this for a while now. This weekend will be so nice!!
NOTE: Please pray we find the hamster before this weekend comes. Cuddles, otherwise known as The Houdini Hamster, has been missing for a few days now. He is your classic escape artist and has found many ways to free himself from his cage and ball. This is not good for a family with several cats or a little sister who wants her pet back!!
I will leave you with a photo of some pretty flowers. I took the picture about a month ago in someone's back yard. Enjoy!!!
Have a great day!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
A little about me and one of my goals
For a geography assignment in school one year my mother told me to pick out a country that I would want to study. I picked Scotland. Braveheart was a new movie at the time and I had quickly been swept up by the story, the music, and the beautiful scenery. I dove into my studies. I still have a notebook I made with every fact I could find about the country and its history. At one time I could tell you what the average summer and winter temperatures are there. The passion for Scotland and the desire to learn more about it have never left me and it has grown with age. I have continued to buy books pertaining to not only to Scottish history but to Irish and British history as well (I know the story of William Wallace backwards and forwards-thanks Mel Gibson). I also love Celtic Music (I still watch the Lord of the Dance performance on tape) and I think I prefer British television over American.
While in my college geography class I was given the assignment of researching a culture and giving a presentation. Of course I had to pick somewhere in Scotland but I wanted it to be unique so I started searching. While reading up on crofting (something similar to sharecropping) and the islands off the country's coast I ran across a part of Scotland I had never heard of before. The Outer and Inner Hebrides, a group of islands off of Scotland's northwest coast. Many of the people on these islands still lived the crofter's way of life. In some cases towns still shut down on Sundays and Gaelic was still a language many spoke. There are several Hebride islands. I chose the largest one, the Isle of Harris as my presentation topic and got an "A". Needless to say I found an interest within an interest and I have been fascinated by the Gaelic languages ever since.
There are many Gaelic languages. Welsh (from Wales) is a language that you have probably heard of. Irish gaelic, Scots gaelic, Manx, Breton, and Cornish are others. They are spoken predominately in remote area of the United Kingdom but are also spoken in places such as Nova Scotia and France. I would like to learn Welsh and Irish but Scots is my passion.
I haven't learned much yet. I'm remind myself of a child who is just learning to speak and can tell you how to say bacon or milk or sugar (why are they all food items?)..... but one day I hope to somehow be fluent. I want to learn the language, fly to Scotland, and start a conversation with a Scots speaker. That would be the peak of success to me!
I'm currently trying to decide on a textbook curriculum with audio to invest in but in the meantime I have found a wealth of internet aids. If anyone is ever going to learn how to say any gaelic word they need audio because it just doesn't read the way it pronounces. The letters "bh" together make a "v" sound, etc. The BBC is a great source for information! All of my favorite sites are BBC sites. Here are a couple if you get curious and what to see what the heck it is I am doing.
So now you know I'm weird and have interests that I share with absolutely no one else I know! Maybe I'll blog about something that makes more sense next time. One can only hope.
While in my college geography class I was given the assignment of researching a culture and giving a presentation. Of course I had to pick somewhere in Scotland but I wanted it to be unique so I started searching. While reading up on crofting (something similar to sharecropping) and the islands off the country's coast I ran across a part of Scotland I had never heard of before. The Outer and Inner Hebrides, a group of islands off of Scotland's northwest coast. Many of the people on these islands still lived the crofter's way of life. In some cases towns still shut down on Sundays and Gaelic was still a language many spoke. There are several Hebride islands. I chose the largest one, the Isle of Harris as my presentation topic and got an "A". Needless to say I found an interest within an interest and I have been fascinated by the Gaelic languages ever since.
There are many Gaelic languages. Welsh (from Wales) is a language that you have probably heard of. Irish gaelic, Scots gaelic, Manx, Breton, and Cornish are others. They are spoken predominately in remote area of the United Kingdom but are also spoken in places such as Nova Scotia and France. I would like to learn Welsh and Irish but Scots is my passion.
I haven't learned much yet. I'm remind myself of a child who is just learning to speak and can tell you how to say bacon or milk or sugar (why are they all food items?)..... but one day I hope to somehow be fluent. I want to learn the language, fly to Scotland, and start a conversation with a Scots speaker. That would be the peak of success to me!
I'm currently trying to decide on a textbook curriculum with audio to invest in but in the meantime I have found a wealth of internet aids. If anyone is ever going to learn how to say any gaelic word they need audio because it just doesn't read the way it pronounces. The letters "bh" together make a "v" sound, etc. The BBC is a great source for information! All of my favorite sites are BBC sites. Here are a couple if you get curious and what to see what the heck it is I am doing.
So now you know I'm weird and have interests that I share with absolutely no one else I know! Maybe I'll blog about something that makes more sense next time. One can only hope.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Squash salad recipe that is perfect for summer
Hey Everyone,
I want to share a recipe I made up with everyone. My family has a beautiful garden this year with tons and tons of yellow squash in it. My step-father had sauteed it as much as he could stand and said he wished he knew of another way to prepare it. While I fixed dinner one night last week I came up with this recipe. Its very simple and fresh and you can add it as a side to your summer meals. I hope you enjoy!
3 yellow squash, sliced & cut into medium thick, bite-sized pieces (chunks)
1 or 2 green bell peppers, diced or cut into strips
1 onion, diced or cut into strips
Zesty Italian dressing
salt & pepper, to taste
1 or 2 dashes of garlic powder
a little red pepper flakes or Cajun seasoning for heat (optional)
Toss the veggies together in a large mixing bowl. Pour enough dressing to coat or maybe a little more over the veggies and add remaining ingredients to taste. Mix together thoroughly. Cover bowl and leave in refrigerator for about 30 min. to an hour to marinate veggies. Serve.
The dish will become a little soggy on the second day but its still good. It will continue down this path of sogginess so you will want to toss the leftovers eventually.
Please feel free to change this recipe in any way you see fit. I think it could work well with other vegetables also (cucumbers, add cherry tomatoes, etc.). Make it your own and enjoy. I'm just excited that I came up with a great side dish after being out of a professional kitchen for a month! Its not restaurant fare but it sure can work for your familia. Salad Girl showed herself again! Maybe I'll come up with a few more good recipes or find some good ones and pass them on in the future.
I want to share a recipe I made up with everyone. My family has a beautiful garden this year with tons and tons of yellow squash in it. My step-father had sauteed it as much as he could stand and said he wished he knew of another way to prepare it. While I fixed dinner one night last week I came up with this recipe. Its very simple and fresh and you can add it as a side to your summer meals. I hope you enjoy!
3 yellow squash, sliced & cut into medium thick, bite-sized pieces (chunks)
1 or 2 green bell peppers, diced or cut into strips
1 onion, diced or cut into strips
Zesty Italian dressing
salt & pepper, to taste
1 or 2 dashes of garlic powder
a little red pepper flakes or Cajun seasoning for heat (optional)
Toss the veggies together in a large mixing bowl. Pour enough dressing to coat or maybe a little more over the veggies and add remaining ingredients to taste. Mix together thoroughly. Cover bowl and leave in refrigerator for about 30 min. to an hour to marinate veggies. Serve.
The dish will become a little soggy on the second day but its still good. It will continue down this path of sogginess so you will want to toss the leftovers eventually.
Please feel free to change this recipe in any way you see fit. I think it could work well with other vegetables also (cucumbers, add cherry tomatoes, etc.). Make it your own and enjoy. I'm just excited that I came up with a great side dish after being out of a professional kitchen for a month! Its not restaurant fare but it sure can work for your familia. Salad Girl showed herself again! Maybe I'll come up with a few more good recipes or find some good ones and pass them on in the future.
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